Digital working time recording - mobile, flexible, intuitive

Time recording with a system instead of Excel lists  and (not only) for the public sector

In many companies and institutions, working hours, holidays and other absences are still recorded using Excel spreadsheets or paper forms, with all their disadvantages: error-prone, unpopular, cumbersome and time-consuming. 

Instead, Campus Time offers real-time transparency for employees, line managers and the HR department. Thanks to its intuitive operation, quick overview and exemplary data protection, this system is readily accepted by employees and employee representatives. 

New working time models ("New Work"), home office, mobile activities, working time accounts and much more can be easily managed with Campus Time. In order to provide a better and, above all, up-to-date overview of the progress of projects, working times can be assigned directly to tasks and projects.


What makes Campus Time special

Get up and running quickly without long IT projects. You can quickly tick this item off your to-do list with Campus Time.

Correct compliance with and monitoring of regulations such as collective agreements, e.g. for the public sector (TvÖD) and the federal states (TvL).

This system is readily accepted by all employees: intuitive, self-explanatory, supportive, transparent and with exemplary data protection.

Ready for new working models (New Work): Long-term accounts, home office, mobile assignments, working time accounts, project times and much more.

GDPR-compliant: Campus Time is hosted in Germany as SaaS (Software as a Service) or in your own data centre (On Premises).

Jörg Oswald

Jörg Oswald

Product Lead Campus Time


Answers to the most frequently asked questions

Yes, thanks to the connection to LDAP/Active Directory, you can log in to Campus Times with the same password that you use everywhere else.

Campus Time can be linked to HIS-SVA, for example. The contract data is then automatically transferred to the time recording system. As there are many different systems that can send data to Campus Time, please contact us and we will discuss the details.

A server is required for Campus Time. We are happy to take care of hosting, operation, maintenance and updates as Software-as-a-Service. Our servers are located exclusively in Germany. If you wish, an in-house installation (on premises) on your own servers is also possible. In this case, you take care of the maintenance, operation and updates of the servers and we take care of the Campus Times software.  

Product features

The solution to many challenges: Campus Time

The benefits of Campus Time for the HR department

High acceptance

Your hierarchies with deputies, roles & rights can be precisely mapped in the Campus Time user administration. Login can be done by connecting LDAP via the central password. Otherwise, for example, the HIS-SVA software of the personnel administration of the University Information System (HIS) can be connected in order to transfer data from the employment contract (start and end of contract, working hours). 

Hierarchy clearly mapped

Your hierarchies with deputies, roles & rights can be precisely mapped in the Campus Time user administration. The user administration can also be integrated with LDAP and other systems, for example with HIS-SVA, the personnel administration of the University Information System (HIS).

Always up to date

Real-time overview, analyses as required: Campus Time always shows employees, line managers and the HR department what they need in real time: Working hours, holidays, sick leave and much more. Employees and managers always have a transparent overview of authorised and planned absences via a calendar view. Analyses of project-based work provide an immediate overview without having to study tables and analyses with formulas.

Automatic notifications

Contractual regulations should not only be entered in the system, but should also be monitored in a meaningful way. The recorded working times are compared with the agreed framework in Campus Time. Employees and managers receive automatic notifications if they exceed or fall short of the agreed working hours. And if something is forgotten, the employee receives a friendly message when logging in or an e-mail. 

Track project effort

Working time can be easily assigned to projects in Campus Time or can be booked to projects. This means you always have an overview of all project times. If desired, the recorded working times can also be transferred to other systems. We would be happy to discuss further details with you.

New working time models/New Work

Campus Time knows the modern world of work: Long-term accounts, home office, mobile assignments, flexible working hours, traffic light accounts, overdrafts (for example in the case of carers in the family), sabbaticals, work-life balance. These are all new topics for our customers. In times of knowledge work, lifelong learning and a shortage of skilled labour, the shift from pure attendance control to the new paradigm of results orientation is a major upheaval.
We have therefore designed Campus Time to be so flexible that you can cope with practically any "new work" requirement - if you want to. You decide whether and how you implement such modern working environments.

Collective agreements of the public sector (TvÖD, TvL)

In the public sector, in the education sector and in many companies, very different collective agreements apply in some cases. There are working time models for different groups of employees as well as complex collective agreements. The collective agreements of the federal states (TV-L) or the collective agreement for the public sector (TVöD) are just two examples. Campus Time is already familiar with these by default. Of course, it is also possible to set up self-defined working time agreements.

One example of this is the absences currently stored in detail for TV-L:

  • Holiday
  • Time off in lieu - 20 days/year with max. 5 days in a row
  • Business trip (all day)
  • Long-term account (flexible)
  • Long-term account (planned)
  • Illness (full day without sick leave)
  • Sickness (full day with sick leave, paper)
  • Illness (all day with sick leave, digital)
  • Illness (after starting work)
  • Cure
  • Educational leave (§ 2 BFG)
  • Further training (full day)
  • Special leave (§ 28 TV-L)
  • Special leave § 45 SGB V (child illness)
  • Time off work (medical treatment) - core time only
  • Time off work (childbirth) - 1 day
  • Time off work (death) - 2 days
  • Time off work (relocation for business reasons) - 1 day
  • Time off work (25th/40th work anniversary) - 1 day
  • Time off work (illness of relatives) - 1 day/year
  • Time off work § 29 TV-L (illness of child) - 4 days/year
  • Time off work (illness of carer) - 4 days/year
  • Care leave (PflegeZG)
  • Vocational school (half-day)
  • Vocational school (full day)
  • Other leave

The benefits of Campus Time for employees

Intuitive operation

Campus Time not only asks employees for input, but also gives them the information they would like to see themselves: 

  • How many overtime or undertime hours do I have?
  • How many holiday days are left?
  • How much time am I spending on which projects? 

In addition, it only takes a few clicks to submit holiday, time off in lieu, a sick note or other absences. And a decision on a holiday request can be made just as easily online by a superior, with just one click. Excel, PDF forms and other crutches are a thing of the past!

Transparency for employees

Campus Time gives employees the transparency that employee representatives demand to protect employee rights. 

Even with very flexible working time models with home office and external appointments, employees have a complete overview of their working hours, overtime, project times, holiday entitlements and applications at all times. Automatic notifications and reminders assist them. They can submit sick notes and other absences in the same easy-to-use browser interface. Campus Time can be used at the workplace, in the home office, via smartphone (simply via browser - no mobile app required!) and via terminal using an employee ID card. 

The long-term account enables working hours to be saved, for example for a sabbatical, but also an overdraft function, for example for short-term care cases in the family. 

All of this is implemented in compliance with the GDPR in order to protect the personal rights of employees.

Benefits for employee representation

Employee representatives have taken legal action to make fair, comprehensible working time recording the norm for all employees. This is also important for correct time off in lieu and contractually compliant remuneration.

However, co-determination does not end here. Works councils want to help shape how working time recording is handled in their company and ensure that the protection of personal data is guaranteed. Campus Time offers the prerequisites for such a reconciliation of interests between employees and employers, as the transparency of the data can also be set up in accordance with such requirements.

Function overview Campus Time

The core functions:

  • Centralised and standardised time recording and monitoring
  • Project time recording with project budgets
  • Approval processes for authorising working hours, holidays and absences
  • Flexible working hours, long-term account, online & mobile working
  • Compliance with service agreements and rules, automatic calculation of overtime
  • reporting
  • Management of holidays and sick days
  • Automatic notifications

Especially for colleges, universities and the public sector:

  • Compliance with self-defined working time agreements or implementation of external rule-based works such as the
    • collective agreement of the federal states (TV-L) or the
    • collective agreement of the public sector (TVöD)
  • User administration:
    • Hierarchies
    • Deputies
    • Roles & Rights
  • Up-to-date overview of working time account and holiday at all times
  • Processes, e.g:
    • Approval of holiday requests
    • Absence due to illness
    • Substitution regulations
  • Warnings when working hours are exceeded or undercut
  • Interface to third-party software (implemented: HIS-SVA)
  • 100% DGSVO-compliant

For employees, line managers, employee representatives

  • Simple and intuitive operation at the workplace, in the home office, via smartphone / tablet or terminal via employee ID card
  • Overview of own working hours / holidays
  • Normal working time account and
  • flexible long-term account
    • With working time savings function, for example for a sabbatical
    • With overdraft function, for example in the event of care in the family

The benefits of Campus Time for IT

Quickly ready for use

Instead of lengthy IT projects, you can expect rapid implementation with Campus Time. Campus Time is securely hosted by us for you in Germany in compliance with the GDPR (SaaS, Software as a Service). You do not need your own servers and data centres. Regular updates ensure that the system always complies with current legal requirements and that data protection and employee rights are protected. Time recording takes place in the browser via an intuitive user interface - on the PC, on the smartphone or via a chip card terminal.

Technical data

Technical data, system requirements, dependencies and interfaces can be found in the Downloads section. 

Integration into your system landscape

Campus Time's ability to integrate with third-party systems helps to automate processes. For example, it can be connected to HIS to transfer contract data, integrated into payroll accounting systems, synchronised with calendar apps or connected to project management software or DATEV. The result is less manual input, less redundancy and up-to-date data. Single sign-on via LDAP/Active Directory is also possible.

Contact us

Talk to us:

Jörg Oswald

Jörg Oswald

Managing Director, Product Lead

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Further products

These systems are also useful for your university:

Campus Mails

Campus Mails

Simply send masses of individual emails GDPR-compliant to recipients from CSV exports, LDAP or distribution lists. 

More about Campus Mails
Campus Events

Campus Events

Easily manage and organise events and appointments.

More about Campus Events
Campus Lingo

Campus Lingo

Multilingual TYPO3 pages. Automatically translated. In just a few seconds. In over 30 languages.

More about Campus Lingo