In the education sector since 2010

Since 2010, we have been passionate and committed to digitalisation in the education sector - for several years under the brand name Academic Hero. Our mission focuses on providing colleges, universities and educational institutions with digital superpowers that increase process efficiency, provide self-service functions for students and enable significant time savings. Our approach is to tackle the administrative and organisational challenges in education through customised digital solutions, revolutionising the way educational institutions operate.

In our more than a decade of operation, we have worked closely with our partners in the education sector to bring about profound change We have not only developed digital platforms that offer many features for students, but also introduced systems that simplify administration and increase efficiency.

Over 70 customers in the education sector

We attach great importance to working together as partners. Openness and mutual understanding are at the centre of this. Our customers value not only our expertise, but also the way in which we interact. We tackle the challenges in the education sector together:

  • The shortage of skilled labour in IT and administration,
  • The increasing competition for prospective students,
  • The ongoing internationalisation,
  • And the urgent need to automate and digitalise processes.

Our team, consisting of former university employees, university solutions specialists and employees who have studied themselves, brings a unique perspective and in-depth understanding of the internal processes and requirements of educational institutions. This diverse composition of our team enables us to understand university operations not only from the perspective of administration and IT, but also from the perspective of the target group - the students.

Commitment to your data protection

Data protection is a central concern in our work. As a developer of software solutions for universities, we set the highest standards for the security and protection of your data. Our commitment to your data security is manifested through

  • SSL encryption for all our data connections,
  • principles of data minimisation as well as anonymisation and pseudonymisation wherever possible,
  • Strict GDPR compliance in all our processes and products
  • Conclusion of a data processing agreement (DPA ),
  • Exclusive development and hosting of our solutions in Germany

We guarantee that no customer data is stored outside Germany to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your information. For us, data protection is not just a legal obligation, but a fundamental part of our corporate ethics.

Software Made in Germany

Software development "Made in Germany", especially from our location in Mannheim, stands for quality, reliability and innovation. Germany is known worldwide for its engineering skills and technical excellence, which is also reflected in the software industry. 

As a German software company, we attach great importance to thorough planning, precise execution and careful quality assurance, resulting in high-quality products that meet the needs of our customers.

In addition, German software development is characterised by a strong focus on data protection and data security, which is crucial in the digital world. Furthermore, we offer our customers legal security in line with strict German and European laws as well as local support and service to ensure seamless and effective communication and care.

Expertise and continuity since 1998

Since its foundation in 1998, Brain Appeal GmbH has established itself as a major player on the market, driven by a vision that combines innovation and consistency. Our long-standing success is not only a sign of the quality and reliability of our services, but also reflects the strength and stability of our team.

A remarkably low staff turnover is evidence of a deep-rooted cohesion and commitment, which means that valuable knowledge and expertise remain permanently anchored in the company. For our customers, this means the security of relying on a partner who not only has decades of experience, but also a team whose expertise is constantly growing and who strives to offer individual solutions at the highest level. At Brain Appeal GmbH, you will find a reliable partner who masterfully combines corporate culture and innovation to realise your goals.

100% hosting in Germany

Our commitment to a secure and sustainable hosting environment leads us to partner exclusively with leading German data centres such as Hetzner, NETCUP, Mittwald and Webhost One. This decision reflects our endeavour to guarantee our customers not only the highest security standards, but also environmentally conscious operations.

Highest security:

  • Our data centres are certified to ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards
  • Strict security controls including state-of-the-art firewall and intrusion detection systems
  • Regular checks, audits and penetration tests

Sustainable operation:

  • 100% green electricity from renewable energy sources
  • Energy-efficient systems and cooling

100% green electricity

As an IT company, we consistently use green electricity to do our bit for the environment. Since 2012, we have been purchasing our electricity for our office operations at the workstations as well as for our servers and the entire infrastructure in the office from EWS Schönau, a provider that is known for its authenticity and sustainable energy generation.

This commitment also extends to our data centres, which are also powered exclusively by green electricity. This measure emphasises our responsibility towards the environment and sends a clear signal for sustainability in the IT sector.

In addition, our decision in favour of green electricity underlines our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by actively and responsibly contributing to a more sustainable world and thus placing social and ecological well-being at the forefront of our actions.

Coding Guidelines

Our dedication to coding guidelines reflects our endeavour to write not only clean, but also elegant and future-proof code. Especially for projects in TYPO3, PHP and Symfony, which often require the collaborative creativity of multiple developers, these guidelines are a key to excellence. They serve as an indispensable guide for our developers, ensuring that our code:

  • Works reliably and stably, which forms the basis for the outstanding quality and longevityof our software.
  • Remainsflexible and scalable, enabling future customisations and enhancements with ease.
  • Is designed to be clear and accessible, both for your own team and for your developers.

By defining standards, such as naming conventions for variables, functions and classes as well as formatting rules, we create a standardised framework. These are complemented by best practices in programming, including the use of design patterns, which not only promote consistency but also innovation in our development work.

EVB-IT contracts

As an experienced Internet agency with clients from the university sector, the public sector, the federal government and the federal states, we offer ready-made EVB-IT contracts for our products and services. These contracts guarantee legal certainty and efficiency in the co-operation.

The most common contracts, together with their respective EVB-IT general terms and conditions, include

  • EVB-IT service contract
  • EVB-IT transfer contract
  • EVB-IT creation contract
  • EVB-IT service contract

These customised contractual solutions cover all aspects of our collaboration and ensure clear regulations and smooth project processes.

An EVB-IT cloud contract is generally not necessary as the hosting does not take place in the cloud. Instead, we use dedicated servers in Germany with exclusively German providers to ensure maximum security and data protection.

Ticket system

As an agency, we naturally use a centralised ticket system in which all requests for support, projects and software development are coordinated. A major advantage of our ticket system is the efficient and transparent processing of your enquiries, which means that you are always informed about the current progress and can expect quick solutions.

As a customer, you can simply send an e-mail to our support address. With online access, you can keep an eye on all tickets at all times.