A small heroic deed every day

In a world that is constantly evolving, educational institutions face the challenge of not just keeping up, but being the heroes of their own stories. At Academic Hero, a brand of Mannheim-based Brain Appeal GmbH, we understand that every university is unique - with its own goals, challenges and legends. Since our founding in 1998, we have made it our mission to not only equip these institutions, but to transform them into true educational heroes by giving them the digital superpower they need.

Our mission is aimed at the tireless staff in press departments and data centres who work every day to improve the processes of their institutions. We recognise that their tasks go far beyond the mundane - they are the true magicians behind the curtain who keep everything running. Academic Hero stands by their side to ease the burden of work, drive the digitalisation of processes and implement self-services for students. Our aim is not only to increase internal efficiency through our support, but also to improve the external reputation of each university.

Our core values - innovation, reliability, user-centredness and sustainability - are the guiding star in everything we do. We firmly believe that education is the key to a better future and are passionate about helping educational institutions realise their visions. Our philosophy is to make a positive impact on the education sector by utilising cutting-edge technology to create solutions that will not only last today, but tomorrow as well.

Because at Academic Hero, we believe that everyone has a hero's story to tell - and we're here to make those stories a reality. Welcome to the world of Academic Hero, where educational heroes are made.

Our heroes behind the scenes: The Academic Hero team

Behind every great hero is an even greater team - that's the heart of Academic Hero. Our employees are the architects of change, working every day to reshape the world of education. They are visionary thinkers, technological innovators and creative problem solvers, united by a passion to push the boundaries of what's possible.

These dedicated education advocates form the pillars of Academic Hero, ready to turn challenges into transformative solutions that pave the way for a better future. Get to know some of our heroes through their own words and discover the diversity and innovative spirit that drives our team.

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