The efficient solution for your mass mailings

How do you send emails to large groups of recipients? With your standard email system, you quickly reach your technical limits, at the latest when you need to send attachments. Handling is suboptimal, control is difficult and it is a challenge to keep the list of recipients constantly up to date. Specialised newsletter systems are often too complicated for many users.

Through our numerous dialogues and projects with universities, we are aware of the many challenges: lack of staff, managing different data sources, juggling Excel lists, dealing with large file attachments and the complex operation of software, to name but a few.

We have developed Campus Mails to make this process much simpler, clearer, more secure and both GDPR and CI-compliant for everyone involved.


Mass emails without Outlook and without Excel

Really quite simple: 

1. select your recipient list 
2. Select an email template 
3. Write and send a test email 
4. Start the mass mailing

Large attachments - no problem: file attachments become download links. This reduces the load on your mail server, your infrastructure and the recipient. 

You determine who has which authorisations for distribution lists, templates and email signatures and who works in certain teams. The role and authorisation system allows distribution lists to be provided efficiently for the Student Union (STUV) and other departments.

Automated e-mail distribution lists through connection to your LDAP, Active Directory or CRM systems. Can also be expanded via CSV upload or simple copy&paste.

Send mass emails and newsletters via your own infrastructure for more control and a better sender reputation. Campus Mails is also available as on-premise hosting.

Jennifer Blum

Jennifer Blum

Contact person for campus mails


Answers to the most frequently asked questions

Operation is also very intuitive and user-friendly for occasional users of the system, so that even employees who do not use the system regularly can quickly find their way around.

Yes, a customised email layout is possible with Campus Mails. The system allows the creation of customised templates that correspond to your corporate design and can be adapted for different occasions or projects. These templates are not only CD-compliant, but also minimalist and easy to use to minimise the time editors spend creating newsletters. This allows you to ensure that every email sent out meets your exact design specifications.

Yes, Campus Mails can also be used to send large file attachments. The system makes it possible to distribute attachments of 100MB or more without burdening your own infrastructure. Instead of sending the files directly, they are uploaded to the Campus Mails server and the recipients automatically receive a link to download the attachments. This significantly reduces the load on your email server and makes it easier to send large files to thousands of recipients.

The emails are sent via your own mail server if you use Campus Mails. This approach improves sender reputation and minimises the risk of emails being marked as spam. It also allows you to control the load on your e-mail infrastructure by adjusting the number of e-mails per time interval. Campus Mails therefore integrates seamlessly into your existing IT infrastructure and utilises existing resources efficiently.

There are 4 ways to store recipients in Campus Mails so that they can be contacted by mass e-mail.

  1. Connection of data sources
  2. Distribution group "Newsletter"
  3. Upload a CSV file
  4. Copy & Paste 

By connecting data sources to Campus Mails, your recipients are regularly updated and offered for selection. LDAP, Active Directory or CRM systems are usually connected here and distribution groups are created in Campus Mails according to defined criteria.

Campus Mails provides distribution groups for sending newsletters . These can also be selected as recipients.

A CSV file with names and e-mail addresses can also be uploaded. 

Individual e-mail addresses or several at once can be easily inserted into Campus Mails using copy & paste. The e-mail addresses are checked directly.

Product features

Simple e-mail communication without problems

Distribution lists for efficient communication

In Campus Mails, recipients are contacted via distribution lists. Examples of distribution lists:

  • All students
  • Only first semester students
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Business
  • Artificial Intelligence degree programme
  • Male and female professors
  • Lecturers
  • Employees
  • Press mailing list
  • Newsletter recipients
  • Newsletter recipients Faculty 1
  • Managing directors of the partner companies (dual study programme)
  • Training managers of the partner companies (dual study programme)
  • etc.

For each e-mail, you can choose whether you want to write to one or more distribution lists. To do this, simply select the relevant distribution list(s). 

Distributors from other systems

Distribution lists can be automatically imported from other systems based on definable criteria. For example, distribution lists such as "all first semester students" or "all students of the Faculty of Business" can be created. There are also distribution lists to which recipients can subscribe and unsubscribe themselves, similar to a classic newsletter. 

Additional recipients can also be added manually by uploading a CSV file or by copying&Paste. A direct connection to data sources such as LDAP, Active Directory or CRM systems enables synchronisation so that your distribution lists in Campus Mails remain up-to-date.

No duplicates - everyone only receives a single e-mail

If a recipient is on several distribution lists that have been selected for a mailing, they will still only receive a single email. Even if recipients are added manually via CSV or copy & paste and this results in duplicates, only one email will be sent to each email recipient.

Opt-out or compulsory subscription

When managing distribution lists with Campus Mails, you can individually define whether recipients are offered the option to unsubscribe from the list or not. An opt-out can be excluded for official communication, for example to students, where the transmission of essential information is in the foreground. Conversely, for distribution lists that have been created, for example, through newsletter registrations or for press releases, an opt-out is not only possible, but necessary. This ensures that recipients retain control and can unsubscribe from non-mandatory communication streams if required.

Sending large file attachments without server load

Sending emails with large file attachments regularly poses a challenge for your infrastructure, especially when it comes to sending them to a large number of recipients. 

With Campus Mails, file attachments from mass emails are simply uploaded to the Campus Mails server. The e-mail to the recipients then contains an automatically generated link to download the files. This means that even large attachments of 5MB, 10MB or even 100MB can be distributed to 10,000 recipients without any problems. The load on your servers is thus minimised to a book part.

You can set how long the attachments should be available for each mailing. After the set time interval, Campus Mails deletes the files automatically and frees up storage space.

File attachments according to your rules

No rule without exception! If you need to send files as actual e-mail attachments, this is also possible! You decide for each mailbox whether users can send files as real e-mail attachments or as automatically provided links.

Customised templates for professional emails

Campus Mails ensures that the creation of mass emails does not become a challenge for editors. We therefore offer customised, corporate design-compliant and clear newsletter templates that are not only extremely user-friendly, but also deliberately limit the scope for design. This minimalist approach prevents editors from having to spend an unnecessary amount of time learning and applying the templates. This ensures that every email is sent exactly according to your organisation's specifications, without any deviations.

Various templates can be set up within Campus Mails for different occasions and purposes - for example

  • Standard template for general university communication
  • Special Christmas template
  • Templates with logos for research projects 
  • specific templates for student representatives (STUV). 

For each template, it is precisely defined which client is authorised to use it in order to ensure the consistency and relevance of the communication.

Individual colours and images

Template layout colours

Your corporate colours of the CI / CD are stored centrally in Campus Mails. Each template has a predefined layout and defined elements that can be adapted in colour by the editor. The degrees of freedom for colour customisation are:

  • Defined colours are mandatory for all users of the template.
  • A team / user group may use other (previously defined) colours in this template for (defined elements).

Images in the header area of the template

To further increase the personalisation of emails, Campus Mails allows the exchange of images in the header area (header images), which are defined in each newsletter template, with individual images for each individual mailing.

Pictures to break up the text

In the Campus Mails email templates, which also provide image placeholders for the text area, these placeholders can be replaced with individual images for each mailing. The operation is deliberately reduced to the essentials to make it easy to send mass mailings.

Campus Mails enables teamwork

Campus Mails supports multi-tenancy, allowing you and your team to access shared distribution lists, templates and email signatures, while other teams manage their own resources. In addition, all team members can view the emails sent, which ensures transparency and traceability within the team.

The integrated role and authorisation system enables specific user groups, such as the student representatives (StuV), to send e-mails to defined student groups.

Your rules

You define the rules for campus mails. Each client can have

  • a defined SMTP sender mailbox, 
  • with sender and ReplyTo e-mail address,
  • with permission to send files as e-mail attachments and
  • with the performance setting (number of mails per time interval) 

can be configured. Everything is very flexible and customisable.

Campus mails sent via your e-mail server

Campus Mails uses your mail servers to send emails (via SMTP), which leads to an improved sender reputation and reduces the likelihood of messages being marked as SPAM. Emails sent from your organisation are generally secured with the SPF, DKIM and DMARC security procedures and ensure trust on the receiving server.

Relief for your infrastructure

You have full control over the load on your e-mail server by setting the number of e-mails per time interval , for example 300 e-mails per minute. In this way, the system load can be set exactly according to your needs.

Sending large file attachments without server load

Sending emails with large file attachments regularly poses a challenge for your infrastructure, especially when it comes to sending them to a large number of recipients. 

With Campus Mails, file attachments from mass emails are simply uploaded to the Campus Mails server. The e-mail to the recipients then contains an automatically generated link to download the files. This means that even large attachments of 5MB, 10MB or even 100MB can be distributed to 10,000 recipients without any problems. The load on your servers is thus minimised to a book part.

For each mailing, you can set how long the attachments should be available. After the set time interval, Campus Mails deletes the files automatically and frees up storage space.

How many SMTP servers do you use for sending?

In Campus Mails, you can send all outgoing emails via a single SMTP mailbox. However, it is also possible to set up multiple mail boxes. 

What is the added value of setting up multiple SMTP servers?

  • Distinguish between internal and external mail traffic
  • Different capacities
  • Different sender e-mail or ReplyTo addresses

"Different capacities" means that you can set the number of emails per time interval for each mailbox. 

Each SMTP outbox can be assigned to one or more clients. This allows you to control everything precisely.

Campus Mail Hosting

Campus Mails is flexibly available both as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS ) solution, which we host and take care of everything, and as an on-premise version, which you can run directly on your own servers.

Data protection

At Campus Mails, data protection is our top priority. Shortly after sending, all recipient data is irretrievably deleted in accordance with the GDPR. Nevertheless, the hash procedure allows you to check whether a specific e-mail address was included in the recipient list if necessary in order to document the dispatch. Simply enter the address in question and Campus Mails will tell you if and when an email was sent to this address. This information helps you to analyse errors in the logs of your e-mail server.

Which e-mail addresses are on the distribution lists remains a secret for the sender and is not displayed for reasons of data protection.

One way or another: GDPR-compliant

In the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) version, Campus Mails deliberately relies on server locations within Germany and does not use cloud services with unclear storage locations. This ensures that no access by foreign parent companies is possible.

If you wish, you can also run Campus Mail on your servers in your data centre, i.e. on premise

Order processing contract (AVV)

In order to meet the high data protection requirements, especially when working with universities, we provide a data processing agreement (DPA). This step emphasises our commitment to data security and compliance and makes it easier for our university partners to comply with GDPR regulations. The DPA thus forms a trustworthy basis for the secure and legally compliant processing of sensitive data.

Contact us

Talk to us:

Jennifer Blum

Jennifer Blum

Project Manager, Product Lead

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Further products

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Campus Events

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