Frequently asked questions about Campus Photo

Yes, Campus Photo can adopt the design of your website or other specifications so that everything looks "as if from a single mould". This strengthens the recognition value and trust of users. 

No. No account consisting of a user name and password is required to use Campus Photo.

Authorisation and allocation of data records is usually carried out using known data such as 

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • matriculation number

Yes, you can retrieve all uploaded photos at any time and transfer them to the card printer. This means you don't have to wait until a certain point in time has been reached to produce cards one by one.

Campus Photo will send you an e-mail so that you don't have to log in every day to check whether new photos are available. You decide whether you want to take action on that day. 

Each university has its own individual card printer. You receive the data in a format optimised for you so that further processing requires as few steps as possible.

For example, if your system can process Excel / CSV files, you will receive a table of all student data with the name of the image file and the corresponding image files.   

All data is only stored for as long as it is required for processing. After that, all personal data will be deleted in accordance with the GDPR.

We provide you with an order processing contract (AVV). This means that the use of this service is harmless in terms of data protection and complies with the law.

Yes, it is possible to connect Campus Photo as a so-called Service Provider (SP) to your central Identity Provider (IdP) using the Shibboleth procedure.

Note: Shibboleth is used by many universities as a central authentication system. This means that it is always possible to log in to many sites, systems and services with the same password.

Jörg Oswald

Jörg Oswald

Contact person for Campus Photo

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Talk to us:

Jörg Oswald

Jörg Oswald

Managing Director, Product Lead

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