Frequently asked questions about Campus BITV

There is a BITV self-assessment available online. The test procedure is based on the criteria of EU standard 301 549 and the WCAG recommendations and comprises 98 test steps. These are divided thematically into

  • Alternative representations for website content
  • Alternative usability of the website
  • Comprehensibility of the content
  • Technical realisation

A rating is given for each of the 98 questions: "yes", "rather fulfilled", "partly fulfilled", "rather not fulfilled", "no" or "not applicable".

It should be noted that not only a single page of your website is tested here, but the text according to BITV should extend over several representative pages. Otherwise the result will be distorted.

Yes, the BITV test does not have to be carried out by you personally. People often have little time and the topic of website accessibility is often an extensive task. Expert knowledge is helpful here for a quick assessment. Let us help you!

The accessibility statement is an important document that indicates the extent to which a digital resource (such as a website, mobile application or other digital offering) is accessible. It serves several purposes:

  1. It informs users about the extent to which the digital resource complies with applicable accessibility standards or guidelines.
  2. In the European Union, public sector bodies must provide such statements in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/2102 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies.
  3. The creation and publication of an accessibility statement demonstrates an organisation's or company's commitment to accessibility and inclusion. 
  4. The statement can also serve to document identified accessibility deficiencies and provide a timeline for addressing them. 
  5. Often an accessibility statement will also include information on how users can provide feedback on the accessibility of the resource. This enables organisations to learn from users' experiences and make improvements.

To summarise, the accessibility statement is a key element in improving the accessibility of digital offerings, providing information on the current state of accessibility and complying with legal requirements.

Every website is different and therefore the BITV test must be assessed individually. The more different your page templates and content are, the more pages should be tested. Typically, around 8 different pages are tested, for example

  • Home page
  • Overview page
  • 2 content pages with different templates
  • Contact page with contact form
  • Pages with special elements such as: sliders, videos, events, external data, forms
  • Search / search results

Up to 5 PDF documents are also checked for accessibility on a random basis.

Please let us know your website(s) so that we can provide you with a customised quote.

More information on BITV 2.0:

Clemens Molinari

Clemens Molinari

Contact person for Campus BITV

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Clemens Molinari

Clemens Molinari

Business Development

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