Reliable service for your digital future

Ready-to-use software

Our ready-to-use software solutions for colleges and universities are specifically designed to meet the digital requirements of the education sector.

From event and schedule management to study information and student services to software for university organisation and communication - we offer you a range of ready-to-use tools.

Customised software development

Customised software solutions that are tailored precisely to the specific needs and requirements of our customers.

We may not yet have your software solution exactly as you need it, but we have a large number of components that we can reassemble and customise. This enables us to achieve the desired result quickly and efficiently.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

We offer a wide range of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions specifically designed to meet the needs of colleges and universities for flexible and cost-effective software utilisation. Our SaaS model allows our customers to access applications over the Internet without having to invest in extensive hardware or worry about installing and maintaining software on site. 

On-premise hosting

In addition to our flexible Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, we also offer the option of on-premise hosting to meet the individual requirements of our customers. This solution enables companies to install and operate our software directly on their own servers.

We thus offer an alternative for customers who prefer a local installation for various reasons, be it due to specific security requirements, regulatory requirements or the need for complete control over the IT infrastructure.