Frequently asked questions about Campus Partner
Here you will find frequently asked questions about Campus Partner and the answers. If you have a question that has not been answered here, simply contact me!
Campus Partner offers companies the opportunity to strengthen their employer brand and receive enquiries from motivated prospective students.
As a rule, company data such as
- Contact details,
- Study programmes offered (degree programmes / fields of study),
- number of available study places and
- contact persons
are imported from the university's CRM or a CSV file into Campus Partner.
Premium profiles (for a fee) can be activated on request. The advantages of the premium model are
- Prioritised and highlighted presentation
- Additional information about the company
- Images and videos
- Separate section for downloads
Campus Partner makes it easy for prospective students to find their way around and find out about the partner companies for their desired degree programme. Among other things, a filter function, up-to-date information on available places, the ability to narrow down to a radius around a location and a watch list that can also be downloaded as a PDF help them to do this.